

Friday, June 19, 2015

3-2-1 Ted Talk

3- His brain hibuated and he learned to drive with the music on kind of talking about adapting to technology. 2-Talking about figuring out tasks and how sometimes you have to do things on your own like he talks about a video game he had to figure out how to play. 1-Talks about how certain companies do a great job of setting up their product.

Frontline Blog

The CIA ran some interrogations and they were ran very poorly. They also interfered with some of the national securities investigations. A third thing they did was have a larger number of detainees then originally known. This was an organization with a lot going on.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Mcdonalds Post

I learned about rates and how they effect certain companies. Mcdonalds can be doing good in one part of the world, yet they can be lagging somewhere else which evens each other out when looking at the big picture. I want to know why Mcdonalds does good in certain areas of the country or world and why it does not do as good in other parts.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

In Class Learning

A constant currency rate is an exchange rate that eliminates the effects of exchange rate fluctuations and that is used when calculating financial performance numbers. ( Today we learned about constant currency and how it works. We also learned about what Mcdonalds looks at for its companies rates.I would like to know how companies like this record all of these numbers.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Enron was a very successful company that was very innovative in the late 20th century. Yet soon it was known only as a gigantic scandal. Enron claimed that they provided natural gas to places. It was corrupted by mismanagement. Andrew Fastow the Chief Financial Officer played a big roll in the companies schemes. Other people that played a big roll was a middle man who was on the contacting side. They were stealing money from other companies. A criminal investigation was launched over all the bankruptcy and the company was shut down for good. They were involved in California's energy problems and the company was no good.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


3 leadership qualities that every leader needs are listening to your other teammates ideas and taking everything into consideration, taking control of each task and to lead not just join the pack, and giving positive energy as an example that everyone else can try.